i don't think anyone could disagree with this, unless you listen to rap. (JUST KIDDING) no but fer really! Today has been just another super long, boring drawn out to nothing day. Just got off work and currently listening to my playlist on myspace, which consists of, Sparks the Rescue, The Dangerous Summer, and Camera Can't Lie. (all super sweet bands you should all give a little listen to!)
but like today completely sucked! but as it dies down and fades off, its nice to finish it off with a little music! i dunno... i am completely rambling now at this point.
The real title of this for today should have been something like..
"Rude Customers Suck"
or maybe,
"Why am i still awake?"
or even,
"Filling up you car with gas is depressing"
i dunno,, only because all those thoughts entered my mind at some point!
hmmm.... what else..
oh sorry for the "typos" in my blog yesterday! no i am not perfect! and i absolutely SUCK at spelling and English. If this was Calculus, I would ace it, but that would be super CRAAAZZYY to like type in calculus!
(which could be another title for today's blog!)
today in class you don't even want to know what i learned about... or maybe you do? hmmm..
lets see if i can show you..

i love being good at math! even though im never gonna use it!
maybe thats the only reason they make this crap, other then like engineers and people like that to use.. they just want to make something so that people like me will take the class and be a total nerd and actually enjoy knowing it! haha yep! thats me!!
ohhh and my buddy Alex in school today found this picture in 4th hour its pretty funny i think, see if you can get it!

with that im outa here again!
Indubitably! wow my spell check did not catch that,, maybe i spelled it right! who knows!
(obviously google chrome doesn't! hah)
(obviously google chrome doesn't! hah)
Dude, you are funny. I'm loving your posts and your writing style -- keep it up.
And you're right on the math - it is TOTALLY foreign to me but I'm impressed that you know it. :o) xo
Ryno, you're a hoot. LOVE the blog! Keep it up! And that math stuff is crazy. I am doing Algebra for the first time in my life with my kids right now and I can't imagine doing what you are doing!!!!
You are an amazing Calculus whiz, but you need to let me hit you up with spell check before you publish!! Love ya
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